Strategies4Cooperation: 5th EU Macro-Regional and Sea Basin Strategies Days
- OrganiserDG Regional and Urban Policy and DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
- Contact
The upcoming EU Macro-regional Strategies Week, themed "Strategies4Cooperation," will focus on fostering synergies among the seven EU macro-regional and sea basin strategies. Scheduled from June 12 to 14, 2024, the event will be hosted at The Egg in Brussels.
The programme for the EU Macro-regional Strategies Week includes:
12 June: Welcome lunch, official opening, parallel workshops, speed dating with Commission services, networking and aperitif at the Egg
13 June: Plenary session on youth, plenary session on synergies among macro-regional and sea-basin strategies, closing session, lunch and networking/meetings time
14 June: 15th High Level Group and 4 Trio macro-regional strategy presidencies meeting upon invitation only (the 4 trio presidencies meeting will be organised by the Austrian presidency of the Danube Macro-regional Strategy).
Note: Please be aware that the programme outlined above is subject to potential changes.
The registration for the 5th EU Macro-Regional and Sea Basin Strategies Days will open on 6 May.
Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact
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