The Interreg Slam 2024-2025 storytelling competition is officially open to all Interreg projects and programmes! This year’s theme is “Stories of Inclusion and Empowerment” aligned with the core European values of Human Dignity, Freedom, Democracy, Equality, Rule of Law, and Human Rights.
The competition seeks stories from projects that ensure equal access to education, health, and work, celebrate diversity through partnerships, and foster inclusive community relationships. These stories should highlight a significant cross-border impact, embodying the spirit of Interreg.
If your Interreg project aligns with these values, INTERACT will support you in promoting its achievements. This includes creating a professional video and performing live at the Interreg GO! event 2025 key stage, part of the Nova Gorica / Gorizia (Slovenia) European Capital of Culture. Additionally, participants can benefit from virtual sessions designed to enhance their storytelling skills.
To assist with the storytelling process, two training webinars will be hosted on June 3rd and June 10th. These sessions will be led by an experienced storyteller and will focus on various aspects, including the latest updates and features of the Interreg Slam 2024-2025, instructions on how to apply for the contest and adhere to its rules, and dedicated coaching to help you excel in the art of storytelling.