The Interreg VI B IPA ADRION Programme has just launched its 1st Call for Proposals until June 30th, 2023. The Call represents the first important milestone of the programming period 2021-27, now featuring a more extended cooperation area including ten participating countries and more funding opportunities for potential beneficiaries.
The Call targets all Programme’s priorities and most of its specific objectives. Organisations from across the Adriatic-Ionian region are invited to submit transnational cooperation ideas and play an active role in contributing to the economic growth of the region.
The call budget is of around 65 million euros. We are looking for proposals with a minimum size of six and a recommended maximum of 12 partners, with at least three of those coming from IPA participating countries and three from ERDF participating countries. Lead partners may be based both in ERDF and IPA countries.
Budget should be up to a maximum of MEUR 1,5 Interreg funds and a duration of maximum of 36 months.
The Call addresses:
Priority 1 – Supporting a smarter Adriatic and Ionian region
Specific Objective (SO) 1.1 Strengthening innovation capacities in the Adriatic – Ionian region
Selected specific objectives and indicative actions are aimed at developing transnational smart specialization strategies, up taking and testing advanced technologies through pilot and joint actions, reducing the digital divide and developing transnational and macro-regional clusters in emerging sectors.
Priority 2 – Supporting a greener and climate resilient Adriatic and Ionian region
SO 2.1. Enhancing resilience to climate change, natural and man-made disasters in the Adriatic- Ionian region, SO 2.2. Supporting circular economy development in the Adriatic- Ionian region, SO 2.3. Supporting environment preservation and protection in the Adriatic Ionian region, SO 2.4 Supporting sustainable multimodal urban mobility in the Adriatic -Ionian region.
Selected specific objectives and indicative actions are aimed at implementing climate change resilient measures through an harmonized framework of standards and indicators, early forecasting and warning systems to reduce climate change risks, identifying innovative solutions for the collection and recycling of waste, secondary raw material, and marine litter, protecting natural and terrestrial sea habitats, and implementing intelligent transport system solutions, sustainable urban mobility plans, including accessibility urban public transport.
Priority 3 – Supporting a carbon neutral and better connected Adriatic and Ionian region
SO 3.1 – Strengthening a carbon neutral smart mobility in the Adriatic- Ionian region
Selected specific objectives and indicative actions are aimed at developing sustainable smart mobility systems to strengthen urban-rural linkages, supporting energy efficiency for low carbon port system and related infrastructures, strengthening the role of ICT in the transport sector in particular with regard to the dematerialization of transport procedures, developing the motorways of the seas and the supporting the increase of sustainable short sea shipping.
The call will be opened through the new Programme monitoring system JEMS. Its use will be supported by specific guidelines to help applicants submit their project proposal. For a detailed description of the objectives and content of the call, the types of possible activities, the composition of the partnership and the budget, please refer to the complete package.
Applicants are strongly invited to participate in the various events organised in the framework of the call launch. The Programme will organize an Info Day on April 19th 2023 in Sarajevo which will cover all aspects of the Call and the opportunity to meet with the Joint Secretariat. Please register and get information on the dedicated page.