IPA ADRION event at the 8th EUSAIR Forum, 25 May – Sarajevo

May 15, 2023 | Events

IPA ADRION Event within the 8th edition of the Forum

Increasing competencies and skills in the Adriatic-Ionian region, 25 May 2023 from 11:30 to 13 – Congress Room

A lack of skilled workforce is one of the prevailing barriers for economic growth and competitiveness. In the Adriatic-Ionian region, skill development in higher education represents one of the major challenges and concerns for the future. The low investment in R&D is actually stressed by a low level of cooperation between research centres, high education institutions, public administrations, and private companies. In this respect, the IPA ADRION programme can support and strengthen the collaboration among stakeholders in relation to the quadruple helix ties by increasing knowledge and competences aiming to develop skills for employability. In particular, the wide adoption of more eco-friendly approaches to economic production and consumption is changing the nature of work, and thus the skills required of many workers. While the greening of economies presents challenges, it also offers considerable potential for job creation. The development of skills for green jobs is crucial to ensuring an efficient transition to a green economy by matching supply and demand for skills.

Within this frame, the event will provide with an opportunity to showcase the opportunities offered by the last ADRION extraordinary 5th call for proposals launched in 2022 which targeted universities and research centres for the scope of designing transnational Master’s Programmes in key sectors, such as green and blue economy, energy transition and social innovation. Well performed projects shall be granted as strategic projects in the framework of the 2021-2027 IPA ADRION programme as from 2024.

During the session, two main granted projects will be illustrated. CRESCENTO, a project focused on circular economy and MARBLE, a project focused on maritime robotics in the Blue economy.

What are the criticalities of the region in those sectors? What are the opportunities offered by the Master Programmes? What type of competences are those educational Programmes aimed at delivering to the students and which type of job profiles are expected to be designed? Finally, how Interreg transnational programmes shall contribute to mitigate some weaknesses of the area? Those are the main questions and points of discussions that will be addressed during the event.


  • Adela Franja, IPA ADRION JS
  • Nikola Mišković, University of Zagreb
  • Luca Ferrarini, Polytechnic of Milan
  • Ummuhan Bardak, European Training Foundation

Moderator: Matija Pavlovčič, EUSAIR Facility Point Lead Partner team


About the Projects

CRESCENTO: a Joint Master’s Programme on Circular Economy. The regulatory frameworks in the eight participating countries will be analysed, a common strategy and an action plan of detailed actions will follow, in order to guide the effective implementation of the Programme in the cooperation area.

MARBLE: Innovative Joint master Programme “Maritime Robotics in Blue Economy”. The Project aims to raise competences and skills in maritime robotics application in the domain of blue economy. Joint trainings organized by a network of universities, research organizations, business clusters, and a digital innovation hub will be implemented to achieve this goal.


The 8th EUSAIR FORUM hosted by Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Presidency of Strategy will be organized from 23 to 25 May by the Directorate for European Integration of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in close cooperation with the European Commission and with the support by the EUSAIR Facility Point. The main topic of this year’s EUSAIR forum is how to fight ‘brain drain’ in the context of EU enlargement. Several events organized by youth organisations, central event on sustainable rural development, central event on possible introduction of social pillar in the EUSAIR, as well as other gatherings around innovation and circular economy will explore the possibilities for improving the situation.

To check the whole Programme and register please click here.