Restricted Call for expression of interest for the development of International Master Degrees

Dec 23, 2024 | News

On 23 December 2024, in the framework of its 2nd Call for Proposals, the Programme opened an expression of interest for strategic projects aiming to fund five international master’s degrees on sustainability, blue economy and social innovation. The restricted call, addressed to the five strategic projects which were selected in the previous programming for the development of the preparatory measures, will allocate 7 million euros of Interreg funds. The five international master’s degrees will allow for the development of joint degrees (joint or double degree) in at least 2 countries of the Adriatic-Ionian area and have a duration of 12/24 months.

To find out more about the preparatory measures implemented in the previous programming, you can consult the relevant project sites: Crescento and Amoceab for the circular economy and the bioeconomy, Tesi for social innovation, Marble for the maritime economy and ADRION Trainee for renewable energy.