Our IVY Reporter, Larisa Dumitrescu, was from 9th September 2023 to 9th January 2025 at the IPA ADRION JS in Bologna. She had the opportunity to actively engage in our activities towards the beneficiaries and stakeholders, having the opportunity to join the stakeholders’ event on post-27 and the Implementation seminar hold in Bled on 22-23 October. Moreover, she had the chance to attend our MC meetings which likely gave her valuable insights into the governance and internal management of the Programme.
Larisa was selected to join our Programme thanks to “Interreg Volunteer Youth” (IVY) initiative which offers young people the opportunity to participate in Interreg programmes and projects for a short period. This initiative provides valuable work experience in the field of European territorial cooperation. Interreg Volunteer Youth is an initiative of the European Commission, have a look at their website to learn more: https://www.interregyouth.com/