Priority 1
Supporting a smarter Adriatic-Ionian region

In the Adriatic Ionian region, joint measures to improve innovation capabilities and to make better use of the potentials of digital and economic transformation processes are of high relevance due to low innovation and R&D capacities. Such actions include the promotion of Smart Specialisation Strategies (S3) to pool together existing capacities and assure critical mass with a focus on areas of mutual interest like sustainable blue economy, health and quality of life, agri-food and safe nutrition, energy, sustainable tourism and creative economy, ICT, energy and sustainable environment, smart mobility, innovative production technologies and advanced materials.

Proposed actions shall also contribute, among others, to the harmonization of standards, job creation and better R&D cooperation between academia and private businesses on a transnational level. To turn these strategies into practice, multi-level governance structures that enable trans-regional cooperation highlighting land and maritime Adriatic-Ionian specificities need to be supported. Clusters, transnational strategic partnerships, innovation networks and similar efforts aiming to assemble quadruple helix actors are important tools to facilitate this transition. An additional effort should be made to promote and scale-up the use of advanced technologies and encourage the development of transnationally designed products and services with clear preference of S3 priority areas.

Increased use of e-services, ranging from e-government over e-learning up to e-marketing, will further improve the framework conditions for innovation and transformation. 

Granted actions will contribute to the implementation of the relevant EU framework policies, i.e.: the European Green Deal, EC Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy for a sustainable future, smart specialization strategies, the EC Communication Shaping Europe’s digital future, as well as social investment packages.

Specific objective:

1.1 Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies

The Adriatic-Ionian region does not stand out for its innovation and R&D capacities, level of digitalisation in the private and public sectors or readiness for internationalisation. Especially small, medium, and micro enterprises that build the cornerstone of local economies are, in all sectors, significantly exposed to digital transformation.

Thus, joint measures to improve innovation capabilities and to make better use of the potentials of digital and economic
transformation processes are of high relevance. 

IPA ADRION will support actions in the following thematic fields:

IPA ADRION will support actions in the following thematic fields:
S3 in common areas of specialization
Sustainable blue economy
Green innovation
Clean technologies
Industry 4.0 and digital technologies
Social innovation
Creative and cultural industry
Tourism innovation

 Contribute to the implementation of the relevant EU framework policies, i.e.: the European Green Deal, EC Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy for a sustainable future, smart specialization strategies, the EC Communication
Shaping Europe’s digital future, as well as social investment packages.

 Develop transnational Smart Specialization Strategies in the main areas of specialization of the Adriatic Ionian area as health and quality of life, agri-food and safe nutrition, energy, sustainable tourism and creative economy, ICT systems and technologies, energy and sustainable environment, disaster prevention, smart mobility, innovative production technologies and advanced
materials, blue economy

Promote and encourage the development of transnationally designed innovations (technical and non-technical innovation,
including services) through pilot and joint actions contributing to face societal and environmental challenges like demographic
change, energy efficiency or climate change

Promote and set-up multi-level governance schemes to facilitate transnational cooperation models to address challenges in common areas of specialization

Uptake, up-scale and test advanced technologies through pilot and joint actions, policies, tools, processes, particularly in, but not limited to, the main fields of interest of S3and social innovation

1.2 Developing skills for smart specialization, industrial transition and entrepreneurship

Skills development is of major concern in times of digital and economic transformation. It is common sense that a lack of skilled workforces is one of the prevailing barriers for economic growth and competitiveness in Europe, not just in the Adriatic-Ionian region. Furthermore, the new patterns of smart specialisation, industrial transition and support to new forms of entrepreneurship require not just new knowledge, but also new mindsets and new ways on how to do business. 

Skills modernization affects cross-cutting topics like digitalization, transition to industry 4.0, green economy and social innovation; additionally, the implementation of transnational smart specialization strategies and clusters require skills related to transnational planning and management. 

Skills for sectors of relevance for S3, blue economy, green innovation, energy efficiency , clean technologies, industry 4.0 and digital technologies, creative and cultural industry, sustainable and innovative tourism, social innovation, health as well as for the emerging sectors as advanced packaging; biopharmaceuticals, creative and digital industries; logistical services, medical devices, mobility technology.

Contribute to the implementation of the EU framework policies : e.g.: the NextGenerationEU plan, the EU Green Deal, the EU Communication on Sustainable Blue Economy for a sustainable future, smart specialization strategies, digital transition, the Western Balkans Agenda 2020 

IPA ADRION will support actions in the following thematic fields:

Promote capacity building actions and institutional learning addressed to the stakeholders and key actors involved in the process of design, implementation and monitoring of the Smart Specialization Strategies.

Promote the development of regional and national policies addressing demographic change, brain-drain, ageing society, migration, regional disparities of human capital. 

Support the development of actions aimed at raising competencies/skills for the adoption and spread of digitalization, decarbonisation, blue economy, renewable energy and energy efficiency, circular economy and social innovation, as well as the development of knowledge hubs and platforms (e.g., learning labs; e-learning platforms etc.) 

Expected results

IPA ADRION intends to improve the skills of employees, entrepreneurs and other stakeholders in the identified topics. Granted projects will also contribute to boosting regional policy learning for the delivery of new and better services for skills development and reducing territorial and economic gaps through inclusion and cohesion.