Thematic clusters

2014 – 2020

In 2014 the Adrion Programme has developed 5 thematic clusters, which built the capital of the Programme and helped IPA Adrion to create the groundwork for the new Programme.

The ADRION Programme intends to boost the transfer and re-use of project results by collecting thematic knowledge, through exchange of good practices among projects dealing with complemetary issues. This aim resulted into the creation of the “ADRION Thematic Clusters” as part of the Programme capitalisation strategy. The areas of each ADRION Thematic Cluster have been identified according to key sectors of development and growth in the Adriatic-Ionian region and following the policy objectives of the new EU Cohesion Policy 2021-27.

This process will help build the critical mass of the Programme in each relevant sector. Projects will exchange on data, information and knowledge in order to improve output’s quality and more importantly, identify common goals. In particular, the ADRION Thematic Clusters (TC) will be aimed to:

  • Support the creation of added value for the projects and the Programme by increasing synergies between projects;
  • Help the development of thematic analysis and the identification of new areas/fields of intervention to be funded for the future Programming period;
  • Help increase the promotion of the projects in a more strategic way: ensure the dissemination and the transferability of project results both beyond the partnership and after the end of the Programme.

ADRION started the capitalization process in 2019 by implementing 5 Thematic Clusters (TC) on the topics of transport, mobility, nature conservation, blue and smart related growth and sustainable tourism. Results of the work carried out in each TC have been compiled in our publication Building Cooperation Together.

In 2021 ADRION further implemented the set-up of 6 new sub-clusters including the projects funded under the 2nd Call.