Priority 3
Supporting a carbon neutral and better-connected Adriatic-Ionian region
Specific objective:
3.1 Developing and enhancing sustainable, climate resilient, intelligent and intermodal national, regional and local mobility, including improved access to TEN-T and cross-border mobility
Transnational cooperation contribution IPA ADRION will support actions in the following thematic fields:
Intermodal last mile connections
Alternative clean fuels supply facilities, particularly in sea ports
Intelligent transport system technologies/solutions for multimodal transport
Dematerialization of transport paper procedures
Proposed indicative actions (non-exhaustive list):
Expected results
Proposed transnational actions will contribute to the identification of new, shared, environmentally sustainable multimodal transport solutions and to the reduction of distance gaps characterising some areas/destinations. Additionally, they will encourage new transport concepts following the pandemic crisis. Transnational cooperation will also encourage ways to minimise legal or administrative obstacles currently slowing down transport procedures in particular in seaports. Finally, cooperation will increase the number of ports cooperating among themselves and involved in solutions aimed at their up-scaling in particular with regard to their environmental impact. Proposed actions will also contribute to increasing awareness and knowledge among relevant organisations, in particular seaports, and to identify new strategies to contribute to the EU Green Deal goals. Granted outcomes will also act as leverage for potential further actions at cross-border and national/regional/local level.