Nov 24, 2023 | Adrion Short Stories, News

This podcast explores the results of ADRION-funded projects, highlighting their impact on Circular and Bioeconomy, Climate Change Prevention and Management, and Blue Economy in the Adriatic and Ionian region. Each episode delves into the region’s challenges, introduces project stakeholders, highlights the solutions offered by these projects, and provides valuable insights for a more sustainable future.

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You can enjoy the episodes bellow on this page, or you can find them on Spotify, Speaker, and Deezer.

Circular and Bioeconomy

This episode of Adrion Short Stories, explores the transition from the linear economy to the circular economy, a necessary shift to combat ecological challenges.

Discover how CIRCLE, a project funded by the ADRION Programme, focuses on spreading knowledge about the practical viability of circular economy principles through CIRCLabs (Circular Innovation Resilient Cities Labs).  You will hear from Marco Affronte, Project Manager of CIRCLE, and Slaviša Jelisić, who worked on the CIRCLE project on behalf of the Municipality of Laktaši in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Meanwhile, BIOECO-RDI, another ADRION-funded project, concentrates on developing a Research Driven Innovation strategy for bioeconomy, enhancing the integration between Green Chemistry and Agrifood clusters. The conversation will feature Diego Mattioli, the coordinator of the BIOECO-RDI project, and Milica Vračarić, CEO at the Regional Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Enterprises in Novi Sad, Serbia, and one of the partners of BIOECO-RDI.

Listen to the episode here.

Disaster risk reduction

Climate change is causing more frequent disasters like droughts, wildfires, and extreme weather. In the Adriatic-Ionian region, working together is crucial to handle these dangers and strengthen resilience.

This episode of ADRION SHORT STORIES explores how Adrion-funded projects TRANSCPEARLYWARNING, MUHA, and ADRISEISMIC are improving civili protection early warning systems, addressing water-related risks like pollution, flooding, drought, and reducing seismic vulnerability.

TRANSCPEARLYWARNING is a project financed by the Adrion programme aiming to improve the coordination and the effectiveness of early warning systems in civil protection.As climate-related hazards do not stop at borders, Civil protections need to harmonize and synchronize their work. As we will see, in this project partners from 7 different countries joined forces and established a joint Early warning IT platform.

MUHA is another project financed by Adrion. Its focus were four water-related risks: accidental pollution, flooding, drought and infrastructure failure due to earthquakes.

Finally, ADRISEISMIC is another project financed by Adrion, and that aims to reduce seismic vulnerability on buildings. It involved partners from 6 countries, collecting good practices and developing new skills and an expeditious method for seismic risk assessment.

Join us for insights from experts like Patrick Galeski, Athanasios Kalogeras, Stavroula Tsitsifli, and Giulia Marzani.

Listen to the episode here.

Blue economy 

The Blue Economy, defined as the sustainable utilization of ocean resources, is emerging as a key player in fostering economic growth, supporting livelihoods, and preserving the health of ocean ecosystems.

In the Adriatic-Ionian region, the sea takes center stage in the local economy. Recognizing the pivotal role of the Blue Economy, two notable projects funded by the ADRION program, BLUEAIR and SEADRION, are making substantial contributions to the sustainable development of this vital sector.

In this episode of ADRION SHORT STORIES, we will delve into the narratives of both projects:

BLUEAIR which unites nine countries in a collaborative effort to develop a Pilot Macro Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy for the Adriatic-Ionian Region. This strategy essentially serves as a roadmap, aiming to enhance innovation, facilitate knowledge transfer, and promote cooperation among regions and countries.

SEADRION which focuses on unlocking the potential of the blue economy by creating a common methodology for utilizing seawater heat pumps to cool buildings. By harnessing the natural cooling properties of seawater, SEADRION aims to contribute to energy-efficient and sustainable building solutions.

Tune in to hear insights from:

  • Peter Medica: Senior Project Manager at the Technology Park of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and key contributor to the BLUEAIR project.
  • Neven Duić: Professor at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, and Coordinator of the SEADRION project.

Listen to the episode here.